MBChB (Medical Degree UCT); MRCPsych (Psychiatry Specialisation London)
Integrative Medicine Diploma ( Cape Town 2014)
Functional Medicine AFMCP ( Cape Town 2014)
Functional Medicine (Institute Functional Medicine USA); Personal Performance Certifcate in Life Coaching (Coaching Academy London 2008); Advanced Structured Diploma in Hypnotherapy Austin Technique London 2003
Who am I? Do we ever really know?! I flirt at being a creative visionary, dancer, scientist and loving healer. I am equal parts tart and spiritual warrior! High heels and feathers! I will engage in most things with enthusiasm. Learning, music, nature, art and movement. I want to learn to cook like a diva, create a wonderland in my garden and perform magic tricks to amaze kids!
I am curious about your story, especially what makes you resilient. How do some people face incredible hardship but retain that inner light of strength? As we peel back the masks, the journey just becomes more interesting!
My exploration of self-discovery is driving me to a place of deep acceptance of who I am. I want to connect intimately and learn how to be of service to others. Part of the search has been a realisation that I must grow my “being” to adequately hold others.
I studied Medicine in Cape Town and specialised in Psychiatry in London. After my father passed away, I became one of the first Integrative/ Functional Medical Psychiatrists in South Africa. The grief precipitated my commitment to practicing the medicine I felt my patients were asking for. There is a huge gap in the Western medical model’s approach to chronic diseases. We are spending more money on drugs and therapy, but people feel less happy and more stressed than ever before.
I have a passion for creating sustainable health solutions for people who do not just seek symptom relief with medication. They have the courage to use their mental health suffering as a catalyst for personal growth. The mind body-spirit connection is integral to vitality.
To facilitate opportunities for people to awaken to their deeper nature and ultimate truth has drawn me to explore many healing modalities. I have often explored non-traditional paths and sought mentors to help me explore what we require as humans to commit to our own healing.
I have a resonance with individuals who wish to step into their power. I use functional medicine, psychiatric assessment, the magic of playfulness and the frequency of creating beauty and ritual. I would be honoured to share a little time with you and have some fun reminding you how precious you really are and how you are here to serve the world.
: For more information on Siobhan, please see her website www.luminosity-living.com
instagram: @drshivdawson
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